Part 1: Explanatory
The aim of the Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre project is to devise a Draft Area Plan and undertake a Critique of a Draft Implementation Process.
The purpose of the scope was to prepare components of a proposed planning scheme amendment required to facilitate development of the Humpty Doo Activity Centre including:
- a draft Area Plan and associated Planning Principles; for
- inclusion in the NT Planning Scheme to establish necessary statutory provisions to facilitate
The Humpty Doo Activity Centre Area Plan is a simple planning instrument that identifies areas for more detailed planning. An Area Plan is supported by planning principles to guide land development and Development Contribution Plans to implement service infrastructure, both empowered by the Planning Scheme or Planning Act.
Area Plans establish a framework to co-ordinate development of land owned by numerous landowners within future development areas or infill sites in Activity Centres. Therefore Area Plans inform and co-ordinate the staged integration of subdivisional development and installation of service infrastructure. While Area Plans have a level of flexibility, the land use precincts and local road network are defined to set the pattern of development. Refer to the attached Humpty Doo Activity Centre Area Plan Map.
The appropriate means of implementing development of land under separate ownership within an Area Plan is through Outline Development Plans. Outline Development Plans provide more detailed analysis and planning of that land. Prior to proposed subdivisional development an Outline Development Plan is required for the Area Plan to comprehensively plan road pattern, drainage layout, service provision and the like. An Outline Development Plan stipulates the requirements and the content of a more detailed level of planning assessment and precedes the lodgement of an application for rezoning or subdivision. Accordingly, an enabling clause in the Planning Scheme is warranted to state the requirements and contents of an Outline Development Plan would enable implementation of an Area Plan.
Part 2: Statutory
The intent of the Humpty Doo Area Plan is to:
- Co-ordinate staged development of separate parcels of land
- Promote a variety of urban land use and development by both the government and private sector
- Achieve a sustainable approach to installation and use of service infrastructure
- Protect the groundwater resource
- Introduce an associated Development Contribution Scheme to facilitate shaded and equitable distribution infrastructure costs
Land use precincts the subject of this Humpty Doo Activity Centre are identified on the Area Plan included in Part 8 of the Planning Scheme.
Provide variety of urban land uses within a walkable Activity Centre as depicted on the Humpty Doo Area Plan that:
- fosters a sense of community identity
- provides a mix of uses adjacent public transport and areas of high amenity and service provision
- optimises opportunities for vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access via a road network and open space corridors
- allocate suitable open space that cater for a range of activities that are cost effective to maintain; and
- augments the stormwater management system that, where appropriate, utilises open space and natural corridors.
Provide a range of lots sizes to enable housing choice in the Activity Centre by:
- enabling a mix of lot sizes to cater for single, medium density and multiple dwellings within a walkable catchment of the Centre.
Provide for rural residential lots:
- as an alternative to rural living
- as a transition between urban land uses and rural living; and
- to maintain the established amenity of existing rural areas.
Provide for growth in transactions in the Activity Centre by:
- identifying additional commercial and mixed use, industrial and service commercial precincts
- providing for a road network within and to link the precincts; and
- enabling further subdivision of precincts within the activity centre